Lost & Found

The final work I created for ‘In Remembrance of Animals’ was titled Lost & Found. Keeping in line with the idea of 'the lost' I created a series of fictional lost and found posters for different animals. The completed posters were attached to the wall leaving space for viewers to contribute their own posters. A stool held a pile of half completed lost and found posters, sometimes with just a photograph, sometimes with just a word and sometimes with details of the lost animals. The completed posters used word play to describe a number of issues concerning animal rights in contemporary society. For example: a factory farmer asks for the return of his 50,000 sick chickens; a poster dated 2034 describes a recovered endangered species known as the kangaroo; Schrodinger asks for the return of his pet cat which he left in a box somewhere; the return of a white tiger, with a severely malfunctioning recessive gene, is requested by an American laboratory so that it may be placed back into the commercial breeding program. This work was very engaging for the audience by giving them something to contribute to and had a light-hearted edge.

-In Remembrance of Animals exhibition, POP Gallery, http://popgallery.com.au/?p=996.